by djmathews | Oct 15, 2023 | Science and Education, Travel and History/Health
AUTUMN, THE BUGFEST, SCOTTISH HIGHLANDS FEST October’s fall colors are in full swing, as Virginia Tech prepared for its annual “bugfest” at the Student Squires Center, not long before the Highlander festival. So— autumn was my...
by djmathews | Jan 6, 2023 | Education Choices, Healthy Ideas
I guess you already know, as the National Wildlife Federation points out, that the honeybee, originally from Europe, has 3 parts: a head, a thorax, and an abdomen. They also have hair on their bodies (more noticeable on the furry black and yellow bumblebee). And...
by djmathews | Jul 31, 2022 | Books or Writing, Education Choices, Travel and History/Health
When my parents lived in Las Vegas, it became a good possibility for an interesting trip. You know, all the gambling slots and the glitzy fake stuff– the fake Empire Building, the pretend Eiffel Tower, the Miracle Mile Shops with the artificial sky, the (fake)...
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