Blog by
Author DJ Mathews
Interesting Things in the “Nature Vs. Technology” book
(This is the wondrous Milky Way, which our solar system is a part of, somewhere in the middle of this universe, though I am told there are 1000s more like this out there!) Interesting Things about "Nature vs. Technology" book by D. J. Mathews As noted...
Health in Winter/ Sand Cats and You
Health in Wintertime, Sand Cats, and You by. D. J. Mathews It's winter, with snow on the ground and your body possibly finding out "the hard way" that you can catch a head cold, which this writer did. Head colds are not something you plan on, but are likely to happen...
Is Dollywood Educational At All (and about seeing Pigeon Forge)
Is Dollywood Educational (and some things about Pigeon Forge) Recently, we went to a placed called Pigeon Forge, which is actually on my bucket list. Everyone here in southwest(ern) Virginia talks about and then GOES to visit Pigeon Forge, Tennessee. This glitzy...
Happy School Year Tips!
HAPPY SCHOOL YEAR TIPS Happy school year! Students have been in school a month or more, getting adjusted to a new schedule, possible even a new school and new classmates (hopefully fitting in somewhere, especially in middle school). School can be quite...
Crazy Critters In (or Near) The Creek
CRAZY CRITTERS IN OR NEAR THE CREEK So, I was sliding into one of those wooden red "Adirondack" (look it up) chairs, overlooking Abbott Lake at Peaks of Otter (VA). When suddenly, a big buzz and vibration occurred on the side of my leg. I got up and what...
Wouldn’t You Love to See Gay Paree (Paris)
Wouldn't You Love to see Paris (and the Olympics)? Wow. The last week has been something else, with Americans winning medals left and right in gymnastics, swimming, running, you name it. The 33rd (Modern) Olympics have obviously been a thrill for the Americans...
My mission
Extensively, I will provide ideas and examples on managing money better, paying for an education, dealing with doctors, and good ideas or deals when it comes to travel. I will also consider science, as it relates to my book “Great American Women in Science and Environment.” Science and the future can be both a good or bad thing, depending on your consumer choices and outlook. And writers can always use tips on how and where to make money. I will do regular blogs on these issues, seeking always to inform in an entertaining manner.