Health in Wintertime, Sand Cats, and You
by. D. J. Mathews
It’s winter, with snow on the ground and your body possibly finding out “the hard way” that you can catch a head cold, which this writer did. Head colds are not something you plan on, but are likely to happen when you are around A LOT of people come Christmastime, with all its visits and activities (such as concerts, book club dinners, attending church services, visiting, doing dinner with others). Stuff happens. Like a cold. Or possibly the flu.
That is where extra sleep, a flu shot, some Garlique or echinacea can help. They say Vitamin C may shorten the length of a cold, but not prevent it, and some things work better than others when it comes to colds. According to the Mayo Clinic , you should drink plenty of fluids.
You may include in the fluids for a cold clear broth and lemon and water with honey. It’s not recommended to drink a lot of soda and coffee because the caffeine in it could cause dehydration. Extra rest (this writer has gotten her fair share) is also good. Sipping warm liquids can help. Soothe a sore throat with gargling salt water. (You could also try night time cold medicines to help you breathe easier and fall asleep.)
This writer has also used a little aspirin or acetaminophen or Advil brand sometimes for pain, like fluid in the forehead, a head cold problem. For kids with fever or pain, acetaminophen is definitely to be used instead of aspirin. The Dayquil brand during the day can also be helpful for a severe head cold.
So, sleep a little longer, drink a little juice, relax.
SAND CAT (See Sand Cat Of Africa Pictures | Download Free Images on Unsplash)
In the Sahara Desert and in the Middle East, Pakistan, or Afghanistan, there roams a unique little feline, a small kitty really. The sand cat is actually sandy colored. It’s only a pound or two, with some dark stripes on its legs, and eats the critters of the desert, a very dry landscape: lizards, insects, rodents, spiders, even venomous snakes! And it gets all its liquids from foods in that habitat.
There aren’t a lot of them left, like pygmy hippos and the (U. S. ) Florida panther. But diversity and adaptability are a big part of the landscape, so to speak, of planet earth. (But can humans be so adaptable, especially is it gets too hot or cold out?)
(CTA– Call to Action): To help your immune system, eat berries, get echinacea pills and also Garlique pills:
Garlique Vegan Garlic Extract Supplement, 60 Caplets for Healthy Cholesterol & Heart –
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