Recent News and Ideas from
Author DJ Mathews

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The newest book you’ve been waiting for

  We are at a crossroads when it comes to the pros and cons of technology and even the issue of climate change. It is almost crazy the U. S. government is ignoring weather concerns as this affects farmers’ crop yields. But they “are” doing something about the pervasive nature of technology in the life of children, though many are still addicted to their phones. Well, I have some ideas as a Master naturalist member. Buy this important book ($13) at this address: 


Currently a print book: Nature vs. Technology — An excerpt is on the writer news/ideas page

Find out more news and views below!

Great Ideas with

DJ Mathews


Photo of our xmas tree right before it is to be taken down.

New Year’s Greetings!!!!

And if I could figure out how to make a bigger headline, well, then I would! (I am not great at this DIVI/Elegant Themes program.) Anyhoo,  Happy New Year and hope most of us all have come up with a fun New Year’s resolution (not my always DULL one, like losing weight and selling books). I “would” like to see Badlands National Park this year, maybe visit where I grew up (Farmingdale, Long Island, New York). I haven’t been back to where I grew up in, like, 20 years! I think it’d also be neat to walk the Brooklyn Bridge, which I NEVER did when I lived on the island. I haven’t been to Fire Island since I was a kid and there were “Beatniks” gathering there.

And somehow, I managed to get a WHOPPER of a head cold! It really stinks when it is 25 degrees out and you have phlegm running down the back of your throat in the house and you really WANT to be outside, walking,exercising, doing something other than watching “Netflix” or old Elvis movies because your oldest son sent a BUNCH for xmas!

I really need some  “Garlique” stuff that is advertised because it is supposed to really help your immune system, as well as elderberry and echinacea.

Of course, with this lousy weather it is also a good time to curl up with a good book. In a grab bag my book club from the local library gave me a book by Judge Judy, and “Corelli’s Mandolin” and “I Love you to Bit and Pieces,” both of which were made into movies. So, should I see the movies first, or not? What do you all think?    (More below.)


 This is me with newest book, Nature vs. Technology — who’s Winning?

        And I sold three books at that event!

      The book I have finished, “Nature vs. Technology — Who’s Winning?”, actually addresses what is going on with this unexpected weather (a climate change event). But it also addresses such things as kids on too much technology (so called smartphones and their computers), how to survive in the wilderness, should we explore space and have flying cars (?), and more. An interesting read for only 70 informative pages. (See an excerpt at

    If still interested, the “Let’s Run OUR Schools Together” book is still available at this direct link (14.00):

     Get some info from a regarded source and hope you will STAY SAFE AND HAPPY IN JANUARY AND BEYOND.

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 See my excerpt on “space” on the Writer News/Ideas page!

Author DJ Mathews

D. J. Mathews is an author of 3 books and working on a 4th. She is also a freelance writer, blogger, product reviewer, and proud mother. She taught English and writing for several years at Radford University. She is a  Master Naturalist. See her humorous rants at or buy her a digital coffee for her writing at

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Interesting Things in the “Nature Vs. Technology” book

Interesting Things in the “Nature Vs. Technology” book

(This is the wondrous Milky Way, which our solar system is a part of, somewhere in the middle of this universe, though I am told there are 1000s more like this out there!) Interesting Things about "Nature vs. Technology" book             by D. J. Mathews As noted...

Health in Winter/ Sand Cats and You

Health in Winter/ Sand Cats and You

Health in Wintertime, Sand Cats, and You by. D. J. Mathews It's winter, with snow on the ground and your body possibly finding out "the hard way" that you can catch a head cold, which this writer did. Head colds are not something you plan on, but are likely to happen...

Is Dollywood Educational At All (and about seeing Pigeon Forge)

Is Dollywood Educational At All (and about seeing Pigeon Forge)

Is Dollywood Educational (and some things about Pigeon Forge)    Recently, we went to a placed called Pigeon Forge, which is actually on my bucket list. Everyone here in southwest(ern) Virginia talks about and then GOES to visit Pigeon Forge, Tennessee. This glitzy...

My mission

Extensively, I will provide ideas and examples on managing money better, paying for an education, dealing with doctors, and good ideas or deals when it comes to travel. I will also consider science, as it relates to my book “Great American Women in Science and Environment.” Science and the future can be both a good or bad thing, depending on your consumer choices and outlook. And writers can always use tips on how and where to make money. I will do regular blogs on these issues, seeking always to inform in an entertaining manner.

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